Thursday, March 6, 2008

Day five – Wednesday at sea

Not a typo! We got back the Saturday we lost getting to Auckland in the form of a second Wednesday this week. A little Groundhog Day injected into our lives. The day was highlighted by the Captain’s Club party. It was a little odd with little if any presence by the upper staff, but our new friend from the Martini Bar spotted us and made sure we did better than flutes of mediocre champagne…lots better.

Another day spent in a whirlwind of reading and relaxing. Is there any end to this torture? I hope not!

I haven’t mentioned it so far for fear of visiting the dreaded Jinx upon her, but Kim has been kicking the casino’s butt for the last four days. She has won, lost, won, lost and is still about $400 ahead…even counting the $60 I have spent finding out that those machines see me as nothing more than a fleshy ATM.

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