Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Zealand to Hawaii, 2008 - Countdown

Tick, tock....

Counting down the hours until our 15 day journey on the Celebrity Mercury. We'll be sailing from New Zealand to Hawaii on the 2nd of March with stops at Tauranga, Rarotonga, Papeete, Bora Bora, Hilo and ending up in Honolulu for the flight home. We're travelling with our long-time cruise buddies Ron & Peri and have had this booked since mid-2006.

Three days left until zero hour. Kim has the clothes sorted and mostly packed and I have my cameras ready to go. Passports, tickets, luggage tags...all ready to launch.

We leave from LAX at 8:30 on Friday and arrive in Auckland at 6:30 AM on Sunday. A bit of a jaunt!

I'll try to keep this up as we travel, mostly depending on internet availability and rates. I'm not carrying a laptop, so photos may not be available until we return.


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