Monday, March 3, 2008

Day two - Tauranga!

Our day started early since we had a 7:30 AM tour departure. The tour itself started badly with a long, scenic drive through the New Zealand countryside in a bus with windows fogged to opacity. We arrived at our first “stop” for a view of the thermal activity and drove in and out of the parking lot without stopping for a closer view of the distant steamy areas. We drove past a beautiful area with a building described as “the most photographed building in Rotorua”…without a stop to photograph it. At our first actual “stop” we went into the Kiwi Encounter right past signs forbidding photography. Saint Kim managed to keep me calm up to this point, assuring me that it would get better.

Fortunately it did and we ended up having a nice day of it…even if Kim was soaked by a very large geyser eruption. The Maori guide who was leading her to a better view of the geyser at the time, was soaked too and told her that the gods must like Kim and that it was a good omen. What a pleasant day! The weather was mostly sunny, I got some great pictures and Kim was blessed by the Maori gods with several hundred gallons of hot, stinky sulphur water!

We sailed at sunset and the weather went south as we turned north. The clouds provided another wonderful sunset and then wind and rain. Peri was a bit shaky since she’s the one prone to seasickness, but she got to the drugs in time and avoided dinner loss.

We fell asleep to real live rock and roll!

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